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D & D dice connect characters to their real life players. The dice are made up of 7 die called D4, D6, D8, D10, D12 and D20. There is also a 100 percent die that is optional. Many D & D players have several sets of dice for convenience and luck.

The D4 die, the one shaped like a pyramid, determines your damage (hit points) for small, light weapons like daggers, blow guns and slings.


The D6 die, the one shaped like a cube, is used for character creation and for weapon damage for short swords, small maces, and certain magic spells. It is also used for wizards and spell casters to calculate new hit points when gaining a new level.

The D8 die, the one that looks like 2 pyramids together, determines damage using long swords and larger weapons as well as spell casters. This die is also used to determine how many hit points are restored on a healing spell. Certain classes like Druids, Clerics, or warlocks use D8 die to get new hit points when advancing in levels.

TheD10 die is used for 2 handed swords and high level spells. It is also used to determine added hit points when a paladin advances a level. 2D10 die can be used as a percent die. The first roll is used as 0-9, the second roll marks increments of 10. A 00 roll is equal to 100%.


The D12 determines the damage by heavy weapons used by strong characters like a giant, a troll, a raging berserker or an avatar.

The D20 is the tallest of the dice. It is the die that determines if you succeeded or failed at an attack or skill, called an ability check. The D20 decides if your character was able to cast that fireball spell or your thief was able to pick pocket someone or your whether you could open that locked chest.


Learning the dice takes time and will become automatic to you after you play the game for awhile. Until then, keep a copy of this to help you better understand what and why certain things are happening in the game.

Have a very exciting and thrilling game!