Babylon 5 Complete Encyclopedia



babylon 5 encyclopedia

One creator, eleven experts and a span of eight years to complete 5,000 entries from 160+ canonical sources

817 pages and 1,440 black and white images (paperback edition)

100% canonical. No suppositions. No added “fluff” with “behind the scenes” information. Just canon.

One FREE year to the multimedia edition (a $37 value) · no credit card required · offer valid worldwide

Instructions for getting your one year of free access is on the very first page of the book. No payment information required.

The online edition is not an ebook. While it contains the text of the entire book, it is a video-driven, cross-referenced exploration of the 5,000 entries. Even includes 4K images and CGI videos (Blu-ray quality) created for exclusively for B5 Books. There is a video about it at the bottom of the Signature Edition version page.

This paperback book of babylon 5 encyclopedia facts is very informative. A must have in any ones collection. The one year Free Access to the Online Multimedia Edition is a great bonus. Don’t miss out on this spectacular find!

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